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Alyssa Grenfell

Meet the Author

Hello! I’m Alyssa Grenfell

I live in Austin, Texas. I was raised in a devout Mormon family. Blessed as a baby, baptized at eight, served a full time mission, graduated from Brigham Young University, and married in an LDS temple—I checked every righteous Mormon box.

I left the church and Utah at age 25 and moved to New York City, and said “damn” for the first time in my life. I have two children, I’m a teacher, and I like adding new tattoos to my growing collection. I’ve kept a little Mormonism in my life, but let the rest of it go.

About Me


An Exmormon’s Guide to Rebuilding

Get your guide for how to leave the Mormon Church. Get the complete manual for rebuilding after losing faith. Alyssa Grenfell’s book is filled with poignant anecdotes and first hand advice from a girl who went from temple ceremonies to tank tops and lattes.

In his forward, Dr. John Dehlin said, “This book is an essential companion for those who feel lost, alone, and confused once their Mormon shelf breaks.”

How to leave the mormon church book

